Photo Nr. 10

Multiple concrete applications, from sculptural shapes to design objects and furniture

Depending on the needs of creation, one way use nfc-surfaces (fig. 7.24) or nfc-frontiers (fig.7. 25); these frontiers, through unification of some double or triple directions, can be structurally interpreted in different ways.
A solution is sugested in fig.7.23, a structure which is resulted from the aggregation treatment of annular nfc in fig.7.9.
There are presented the annular formula with surfaces in fig.7.24 from which in the fig. 7.25 appear from two nfc-frontier with other two enantiomorphes, with some semitransparent surfaces, suggesting the vague-moving enviroment (athmosphere), the unreal texture of the pure imaginary fortress outlined by P. Klee (see: "The floating town" written in 1930).