The Theory of Möbius Band and of its derivatives represents the essence
that fundaments the Rehoarchitectura. The originality of the proceeding which is the basic of this new, inspired architectur, consist of the topological transformation of the curved Möbius Band into configurations with square forms,
called "non-orientable enantiomorphe formative configurations", shorten "nfc".
These derivatives of the Möbius Band have the same main characteristics (feature) like the mother-band:
non-orientability, which means that the element has only one face end one edge.
enantyomorfy (grec. enantio = contrary), which is the characteristic feature of some substance to materialize into two
oposing forms, one being the mirror image of the other one.
The "nfc" can be built in open structures, assembling the elementary, opposed (reversed) shapes through a new, original method of dealing with compositioning, which include (the) aggreations, juxtapositioning, superpositioning, chaining of the configurations; this method leads to a growth,
a developing of extensible, boundless spatial units towards all directions.
Controlled Aggregation
In the constitution of Rheoarchitecture the most important lay out procedure is
the controlled aggregation: assembling of an element together with another enantiomorphe element (only one), alternating and building up together a spatial
complex. Through aggregation, practically, successively, any number that is interceptant becomes an interceptor of the following interconnection; in a closed system all
nfc become "interception".
Non-orientable Bitetrahedron
The triangular surfaces are formed in specific forms. This bitetrahedron is made by two tetrahedrons with a common base. It is presented the way of constitution
of a torus, through the aggregation of 6 bitetrahedrons, alternating with other 6 enantiomorphe. Because it is formed by 12 bitetrahedrons, this will be named Torus dodecabitetrahedric.