Preconfiguration of a future architectural universe, applications, the implementation of the structures of the Reoarchitecture
"And in this way it was given me to rise from the blind kingdom of the black labyrinths to the scorching Cetate of Light" J.L. Borges, L 'Immortel
These images represent work patterns, numbered and cataloged, without which, however imaginative a creator possesses, it would not be possible to
handle such configurations. A system has been created that has germinated a universe, perhaps factious, but not less real and surely promising. We are
going to learn to orient ourselves in the "good labyrinth" of these insidious structures. The "good labyrinth" is open to unpredictable solutions,
creative conceptual processing, which offers new possibilities of understanding architecture as a cultural and cultural receptacle. In the
"good labyrinth" everything is energy, its components work synergistically, participative, every fiber shakes on the vibration of one of them.
The "good labyrinth" in which you do not lose, but find yourself where you are, losing yourself.
Imagine that somewhere on Terra, an expedition meets a structural - reticular band that embraces a splendid bay and is only the "good labyrinth"
of the Reoarchitecture.